Happyzine is dedicated to focussing on the brighter side of life.  It is a positive news electronic magazine with a strong Aotearoa flavour.  Each issue features pieces on the environment, youth, and inspiring New Zealanders.  Happyzine also includes general good news, opinion pieces and more.

Check it out at www.happyzine.co.nz

I am curious to know through the comments on this site who carpools or has considered doing so. I’m interested to know also what people’s thoughts are regarding safety, privacy etc when using a website like Carpool New Zealand. What would you like to see changed there to make it easier to use?

Check out the great article Leaving Behind the Trucker Hat on the New York Times website.

“Young urbanites, learning that dirt can also be soil, are using their Carhartts as originally intended.”

Lucid Design has created two websites for Severine: www.pixiepoppins.org and www.agrariana.org.

The Village Theatre now has their full monthly programme available on their website.

The Village Theatre Society Inc. is a  non-profit organisation that has been providing the people of Golden Bay with an entertainment venue since 1987.

The Village Theatre has evolved from it’s humble beginnings to become the venue it is today, with comfortable seating and state of the art projection and sound equipment.

They strive to offer a range of movies that cater to all tastes as well as live shows and events. The venue is also available for hire.

Their website is www.villagetheatre.org.nz

Native Harmonics

March 12, 2008

URL: http://www.nativeharmonics.co.nz

Native Harmonics, a New Zealand based record label and collective of conscious beings behind the Luminate ’08 festival. (LUMINATE: to spread light, elevate spiritual consciousness, put a smile on your face, festival of Music, Art, Dance, Creativity and Sustainability.)

Native Harmonics has also recently released the CD; The Heartbeat of the Canaan Downs Festival, Takaka Hill, Nelson,(Native Harmonics Records).